It is a joy to have the privilege of sharing the word with you yet again. Thank you musos. That was awesome. Thank you Raelene. Yay.
You played beautifully. Welcome to the house. This is Raelene’s first time. Let’s give her a hand this morning. You did such a good job.
Bless you. In the early 2thousands, the Lord gave me a revelation. I’m sharing on money matters today. And a lot of people just write then switched off. But you’ll miss out on a blessing if you don’t listen.
Amen? So in in the early two thousands, God gave me a revelation that wealth creation and spirituality can coexist and that it was okay to make money. I thought you’re kidding me. Why didn’t anybody tell me that before? I thought if I was Particularly if I was going to be a pastor’s wife I had to be prim and proper and behave myself which I’m not very good at doing I might add. You know but Greg’s had to learn to restrain me. Amen.
But they’ve let me out of my little cage today. So be ready. Because I’m a woman with a revelation. As I was going through Bible College we had to do ah twenty-6 units. You had to do six in theology.
Six in the Bible. And six in the practical. So that made three sixes was 18. Then you had to do some research assignments. So I to the Board of Studies because I wanted to do my research assignments on wealth creation And they told me that if I was doing it in the theological stream that I couldn’t then do it in the practical.
I said it’s two totally different things. Anyway they approved it. So I’m a woman with a revelation. Amen. So I did a lot of research.
So much so so many people asked me what did you do? How did you do it? Well I wrote a book to hell with debt. Let’s make money. Amen. Now now I do have a few copies of it. I’ve just got a handful left before I order a reprint of the book.
Also another book. This one is the why. I did it and the heart behind it. Which if you don’t have that it’ll kill you and it’ll take you out of the kingdom. Amen.
So it’s a good idea to make sure your heart is in the right place. And that is a refining process. Doesn’t happen overnight. Amen. This one Unlock Equity Wheel is the what I did.
So I encourage you if you just buy this one that you make sure your heart’s in the right place before you start doing it. Cuz like I said you can get that busy. You can just forget that it was God’s idea that you create wealth. Amen. So this is I’m going to read out a prophetic word that I believe God gave me and I believe it is still current today because God is looking for finance ministers.
He’s looking for men and women that’ll say I’ll put my hand up. And I’ll be somebody that you can flow finance through. That’s what he’s looking for. Amen. The Lord is raising up a company of believers that are trained and equipped to handle the transference of wealth.
Cuz God has promised there is going to be a transference of wealth. God himself is looking for men and women who are committed to the extension of his kingdom. The criteria for money management will not be potential but past performance. Faithfulness in the little things will be a prerequisite for greater delegation of responsibility. The ability to sacrifices to break the power of debt over your own life is paramount.
This alone will hinder and cancel out many who could have qualified. The ability to delay immediate gratification and focus constantly on the bigger picture will be the necessary discipline. Only those who walk with a limp. And I I say that humbly amen. Who have learned to be restrained by God’s word as well as his ways.
Jacob was a schemer. And we can start off that way. But when you go through the refining fire of God and keep constantly checking your motives and stick close to God. There is a lot of wealth that is needed to establish the kingdom. Amen.
However after God’s dealings he handled millions. Only those who have a heart after God who are a genuine seeker of God and build regular altars to give the glory and draw on his grace. You know there is a grace for giving that God can pour out into your life. Trust me. He really can.
Um the attribute of self control. Now I can hardly see. I’ve gotta stop. Pull myself together. Thank you Lord.
Control in order of finance is not to be a misunderstood for stinginess or withholding. There is no room in the kingdom for those. The Lord is looking for those who can flow money through. Not to stockpile for personal resource. See the rich young ruler that’s in the New Testament in Luke compared with Joseph who also stockpiled but with a purpose.
Cuz it’s no good just getting the principles of how to create wealth if you don’t get the purpose. Amen. That’s the most important thing. So he said I’ll do this. I’ll pull down the barns.
I’ll big build bigger ones. And there I’ll store all my crops and all my goods. God knows those he can trust. Those who have the full knowledge of prophetic vision before them. Um God loves his church and it’s the only building project that he’s into.
The bride must prepare herself. We must be ready to give over all of ourselves, our whole life internally, our heart, our thoughts, our affections, our single mindedness, commitment to physical body, having eyes only unto the Lord and Master. Externally our time, our abilities, our accessibilities and our attention. A strongly developed love and commitment to our local church must be nurtured and cultivated and produced in those we reproduce. All of us are called to be fruitful and multiply.
Who are you reproducing and what kind of fruit is it? Are they selfless, giving, carrying a generous heart? A heart that loves their pastor, leader and local church. Ones that are passionate about the local church vision and direction. There’s no room for independence or a privatised lifestyle for God’s generals. Every weakness will be exposed and strengthened. And as you commit self to the process.
I’m not saying when I share on money matters this is only a part of the kingdom. There’s a lot to the kingdom. Now, I can get very one-eyed about it. So, I gotta be careful the way that I’m sharing this because I’m so passionate about it. Like, my favourite words are now.
I love that word. Now. And I like waiting for anything. Some of my other favourite words are increase, multiplication, and money. They’re some of my favourite words.
Because I didn’t think I like shopping. But that was only because I have any money and there’s no point in going shopping. If you haven’t got any money, amen. So, I want to encourage you this morning in the area of money matters. And this actually started with Pastor Greg, would you believe? Pastor Greg in back in the early night, I can blame him.
In the early 19180 and and nineteen eighties, 19 80. Oh my God. I’ve got a lot to say and I’ve only got a time frame that I can say it in. So, I’ve gotta try and get it all out. Amen.
He got a revelation when we were at a connect group and I believe in connect groups. So if you’re not part of one or do you really good to join one. Amen. Cuz I grew more in connect groups. Learned how other people did life.
And that really helped me. But it we’d been to a connect group where a couple of chair they go into Bible College and really their real motive was they wanted all of us to give some money to carry them through Bible College because they didn’t have you know any money. So that was their way of raising it because they were sure God had called them to Bible College. Well Greg the next day in his devotional time said to the Lord well I’ll go if you know I own my house, own my car, have money in the bank and can pay for my kids to go to a private school while Janet and I are in Bible College. Well fast forward eight years.
You know you just threw it out there to the Lord. We just kept living life doing what we did. We took it took in foster children. We did anything we could do to help our community. We sowed into children overseas.
We did all sorts of stuff. And we just we served in our church. We were on the leadership in church. We’re at meetings every day of the week. but we loved it.
We absolutely loved it. Eight years later, Greg goes to work one day and a book fell out of his bottom drawer was at of the filing cabinet. The whole filing cabinet drawer collapsed actually but this book came out and it was his devotional book and what he’d written in it eight years prior. And the Lord spoke to him very clearly and said I’ve kept my end of the bargain. So Greg comes home.
And he says honey We’re going to sell Lahas. I said, what? Because I’m the spontaneous one, not him. You know, he bisects and dissects and investigates and analyses it which is just another word for dad everything and so he he analysed us at all and then by the time you go to do it, it’s been preceded by the next model or all the funds gone out of it but here’s my balance. Amen. I need that to keep my feet on the ground.
Let me just clarify. God knew who I needed. Amen. 50 years next year, we’ve been married. And we still love each other which is the really good thing.
Worst thing has been married for all that time and not really liking the other person. It’s like don’t be a porcupine. That’s what Greg preached in the first service. That was so good. Amen.
So he had this revelation. I said but love we’ve just finished building our dream home. We lived on the ocean. The ocean lapped the back of the block. It’s like what? We’ve just finished building the house.
He said I know but God’s really clearly spoke to me. We have to sell the house. Anyway he went to the next day I stood in the kitchen. And I said Lord he’s really serious. I don’t think I’m going to be able to change his mind.
Cuz he’s really stubborn when it comes to when he makes up his mind about and especially if he knows it’s God. And I thought oh no. You know I started crying. And I’m not kidding you. Dolphins come and they were dancing on their tails in the waves at the back of our property and I thought I live in SeaWorld right here.
And he was wanting me to go. I had a look on the map. There’s no ocean in Brisbane. I thought there’s not even an ocean where he wants to go. And the Lord clearly spoke to me because I had a big complaint, a big whinge and I said, Lord, may you ever going to have a house I can call home? We just finished building the jolly thing.
And the Lord said to me, yes. I’ve gone to prepare a place for you and in my father’s house, are many mansions. And straight away I thought, oh, okay. Then I said, Lord, if that’s the case, take this house out of my heart, I don’t ever want to look back. There’s something about burning bridges and just having that, you know mortality memo having that meeting place with God building an altar and saying Lord I’m never going to look back.
And do you know what? I never have. I wouldn’t go back there if you paid me to go there. Amen. The Lord really did a work in my heart right then. Fast forward because it’s a long story to when we were actually leaving which was a miracle in itself.
We sold the house. We sold a unit that we had to sell to be able to accomplish the dream that Greg had had in his heart. And my brother had come to say goodbye. He was crying. He’s in glory now but he was crying and he said, oh your kids are going to be you know, vagabonds.
They’re going to be what do you call them? Gypsies. You know, you’re going to raise insecure kids moving all over the place because all of our family live within five minutes of each other and you know, we were the rebels that were leaving and it’s amazing. You fast forward all those years later to my brother was dying. He’d withdrawn all medication. He knew that he was going to go.
And he actually said to you were a beacon of light to the family. You lift up lifted up the standard of Jesus and miraculously I saw every member of my family saved which I give glory to God. But you know sometimes you’ve gotta be the beacon of light to everybody else. And when you’ve got a revelation you gotta wave that thing around and say hey you know I’m a man or a woman with a revelation. Look what God has done.
And I said look you know don’t worry David. God’s going to look after us. This we are going under God’s instruction. This is the scripture that the Lord gave me. This is in Mark ten twenty-eight.
So Jesus answered and said assuredly I say to you, there is noone who has left Hass or brothers, or sisters, or fathers, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospels, who shall not receive 1 00fold now in this time, houses with an S on the end, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, lands with an S on the end. Um, person with persecutions I don’t like that bit. Amen. I wish we could eliminate that bit. But that’s what goes with it.
And in the age to come eternal life. And I was very pious in saying to the Lord well we don’t really need it in money because you know Greg had prayed the prayer and God had honoured the prayer. So I said Lord we don’t really need that. Um we just need it in souls for the kingdom. That’s what we need.
That was my really prayer. Now you fast forward to the early 2000s where we’d made a lot of money but then we’d lost a lot of money. We’d lost over $1. 3 million dollars as a family. My children had all lost their homes.
And I felt like I was responsible. And I cried out to God. We were falling back a 000 a week. Now we weren’t just living from week to week. We were going backwards by $1, 000 a week.
We had $1600 in the bank and we sowed a seed. We said Lord we’re naming Greg and I prayed over that seat and said we’re naming this seed. We need a God idea. Cuz one thing I know God ideas usually come dressed in overalls. That’s all I know.
Get ready to go to work. Amen. Get ready to do something. Cuz usually he’ll use whatever’s in your hand. Whatever gifts, talents and resources you’ve got.
You give it to God and he multiplies that. But if you just want to keep it to yourself well you’ll enjoy this planet. You’ll your holidays, you’ll enjoy everything else you’re doing. But that’s it. That’s it for you.
So, you’ve gotta really enjoy it. Because our reward is in glory. Amen. And we need to understand the level of eternity that we want to live by. So I want to live for eternity.
So it was out of that revelation that we then come to Queensland. We lost all that money. And that was when I went to seeking God for answers to say God I need some God ideas. So I’ve got lots of them. I’ve researched the subject and I’ve got so much I could share on it.
But these are the four attributes, I believe God wants to develop in the heart of anybody that wants to breakthrough financially. Amen? So I’ve minimised it down to just four. There’s probably 400, but these are the four that the Lord has asked me to share. So four essential attributes to attract wealth from the Lord. Because and number one, understanding you’re blessed to be a blessing.
Now, that sounds real simple. Just understand God wants to bless you. It has taken me a a further 20 years since I first got that revelation to understand just how much God wanted to bless me. Amen. It never stops.
It never ends. But our expectors can go to sleep. Like I asked my dad one day. Did you have a dream when you were younger? And he said oh no love you know we went through the depression. See your circumstance can be the very lid that’s stopping you breaking through.
You can’t think above that. He said oh love we were just happy to have food. On the table. And you know a roof over our head. He said, we never dared dream about anything else.
Well, I’m here to awaken some dreams in some people today. Amen. That you can’t go to sleep. God wants to bless you and let’s have a look at the next scripture. This is in Genesis twelve.
This is covenant promise. This is a promise given to everyone of us that are born again Christians. Amen. It says, now the Lord said to Abraham, get out of your country from your family, from your father’s house to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation.
I will bless you and make your name great. You shall be a blessing. So he says I will bless you and you will be a blessing. Say to the person next to you God wants to bless you. And you shall be a blessing Man we need to speak that over each other’s life.
More and more, he says, I will bless those who bless you. I’ll curse him who curses you. And in you all the families, you know, of the earth shall be blessed. It’s very important that when we get revelations about God and his hearts and his leaders, that we’re prepared to sow him into the next generation because when we’re dead and gone, guess what? The next generation of the ones that have to carry it and I believe is a two fold anointing. Two parts to the anointing of the incredible revival that is going to sweep our nations.
One is relational. I believe there’s going to be an incredible relational revival because people are literally dying of loneliness in an economy where we have more ability to contact each other than we ever have before And yet it’s an epidemic of loneliness in people. That are living on their own. That are you know not in with people. So, I believe God is going to bring an amazing revelation to the church and a relational revival like we’ve never seen before.
Because Jesus wants us to be friends with each other. Amen. And yeah that’s going to be really powerful. But I also believe there’s going to be a financial revival. There’s going to be a transference of wealth.
From the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light and it’s going to be put into the hands of men and women that have got a heart to be finance ministers for the kingdom. Amen. So I want to encourage you to break through. What does it mean to be blessed? Well in my Bible it tells me you just became the object of his favours. Now when you become the object of God’s favours you will never be able to contain what God wants to give you.
You’ll never have a big enough heart or brain to comprehend. How much God wants to bless you. You know in my six I’m in my 60s now and I every day I think Lord I live such a blessed life. It would sound like I was bragging if I told you the incredible blessings. Even just this year what God has done in our life.
It it’s just amazing. I you know I don’t want to sound proud. Cuz there’s a difference between being bold and being proud. I’m very bold with this message. But without humility we we just not do the right thing.
But God was wanting us to do. Amen. So we have to keep depending on him. So you’re blessed. You’re an object of his favour if you’re a born again Christian.
And if not? Well, we’d love to pray for you at the end of this service and make sure you are because God wants to bless you too. Amen? Proverbs 1022 says, the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow to it. Proverbs 817 says, I love those who love me and those who seek me diligently will find me. Riches and honour are with me. Enduring riches and righteousness.
My fruit is better than gold, yes than fine gold. And my revenue than choice silver. Then he says I traverse the way of the righteous. In the midst of the paths of justice that I may cause those ah who love me to inherit wealth that I may fill their treasuries. God wants to fill your treasuries.
You know King Solomon we’ve talked this whole last term on wisdom. Now I believe God is looking for people that are going to be wise in the area of finance. You know King Solomon it is, you know, he says to the Lord, now oh Lord, my God, you’ve made your servant king instead of my father, David, but I’m a little child. You know, I feel like I was that little child back in the 2000s saying, God, I don’t know what to do. You know, help.
So many times I’ve said that, help God, you know. Even though I’ve made the mess, I need his help to get out of it. But he does bless our messes. He really does. No matter how messed up we can have things, if we give God all the pieces and give him our heart, he can put all them pieces back together, amen? He’s just really good at doing it.
In verse nine it says therefore give to your servant an understanding heart. That’s all he asked God for. He said, just give me an understanding heart. Like your heart has to be in the right spot. And because he just come to God he says don’t worry about anything else.
Just give me the right heart. That’s what I need. You know to govern all these people. That you’ve given me. Then in verse twelve it says behold I’ve done according to your words.
See? I’ve given you a wise and understanding heart. Um so that has not been anyone like you before nor shall any like you arise after you and I’ve given you what you have not asked both riches and honour so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days. See God will give you more than what you ask for. You need the understanding heart first and then God can fill the treasuries and trust you you know to do what he’s wanting you to do. Then it says in Isaiah forty-eight seventeen, you’re thinking, well, how am I going to do that? I’m glad you asked that question because I am not a financial advisor and if you come and ask me how to make money, I’m not going to tell you.
Amen. Go to the source himself. He’ll give you the instruction because how I’ve done it and how everyone else is called to do it can be two totally different things. You know, I could try and copy someone else. It wouldn’t work.
We’ve gotta be under the instruction of the Lord. There is some wise principles you can learn from other people and you know, I’ve read a of books on it. I’ve educated myself and I believe education is really important if you want to break through financially. He says here in Isaiah forty-eight seventeen, thus says the Lord your redeemer, the holy one of Israel. I am the Lord your God who teaches you how to profit.
P R O F I T. Who leads you by the way that you should go. So if you run wondering which way to go you just get the holy one the redeemer. And you spend some time with him and say should I do this? Should I do that? What do you want me to do? What gifts are in my life that I could I’ve done all sorts of things over the years. You know, when we didn’t have much money.
When we got married, talk about, you know, we had 8seven, no, 76 cents. Let me get it right. We had 76 cents. That’s all we had. When I sailed from England as a seven year old on a ship as a ten, ten-pound pom, all my parents owned was in a timber packing crate.
Everything we owned as a family was in that packing crate and my mom and dad decided to sail to Australia because they wanted to give us kids a better life. That was their motive how good is God? That going from a packing crate. I can remember my dad putting a broom handle in it. And mom made a curtain for the front. And I thought that was just the bee’s knees.
And we even had our own toilet because we’d lived in a what do you call them things? The barracks. You know they curve housing commission barracks. We’d live there for 2 years. We’d no kitchen. We had to go to a canteen for meals.
And if you want to go to the toilet you had to walk down the road at at the front door down a little bit to the toilet block. So we had this housing commission has given to us. I had this packing I thought it was fantastic. I’d never stayed in seven star accommodation. We were we were in that and I thought that was like the palace.
We even had a dry pan toilet at the back that was close to the back door. I thought we were living in a lap of luxury. It’s amazing how we can be conditioned. I mean I was very grateful and I’m very thankful for my beginnings. Because I can to people that have absolutely nothing.
Amen. But I know what God can do when you surrender your life to him. Amen. Says in Malachi three ten. Bring all the tithe into the storehouse.
If I will not open for you the windows of heaven pour out for you such blessing that there won’t be enough room to contain it. As I was praying this through the Lord showed me. Most of us come with a little cup and say oh God fill my little cup of blessing. When God’s got a Mac trailer a blessing that he to Paul but all you’ve got is this tiny little cup. So, usually it’s our thinking and our speaking and the mindsets, we have to break off our life.
So, God can do what he wants to do through his church. We’re called to be a blessing as a church. That can only happen if we increase our capacity. Now, in saying that, this church is so positioned by God. We have an incredible community care.
Shirley and the team are doing an amazing job, a blessing our community The neon night costs a lot of money to pull off a neon night and have 2000 people here. That costs dollars to do that. Everything we do costs money. And we can have a far greater impact if we had more money. So even though we’re very comfortable as a church.
Not begging you for money. Does the church need more money? Is the church trying to get money off you? Yes we are. Of course we are. We if we had more money there’s a lot more we could do. For starters we could have another 20 people on staff.
We could have Ben on full time paid have to do nothing else but worship God from Monday to Sunday. How cool would that be? We should have that. You know. We would have 10 intercessors that we employed just to intercede and pray for the church. How cool would that be? There’s a lot we can do.
Dare to dream. I dream all the time. You know as this morning as I was watching all the young ones out here. I always get a vision of all the over fifties on this side. Now we can’t jump up and down because there is a lot of us that have got dodgy knees like I do.
Amen? But we can lift our legs. And one day are all going to come out the front and they’re going to give these young ones a run for their money. Amen. Anybody with me? So someone’s going to start a revolution and we’re going to have the over fifties on this side. Amen.
Tina’s going to head them up. There you go Tina. So focus, focus. Deuteronomy eight eighteen. Let’s get spiritual.
You shall remember. That means don’t forget. You shall remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you power to get wealth. Right there is God’s promise. Amen.
That he may establish his covenant which he swore to your fathers as it is to this day. Because you will never pursue what you don’t believe you qualify for. You will never it. Now we’re on fire. I didn’t know whether that was the fire of God.
Or we’ve got smoke coming behind us. Somebody better tell me when I is that the time? 11thirtytwo? So I’m going to have to stop very soon. Amen. Let me just quickly share these last few points. I’ll try and be as quick as I can.
Number two. Don’t just get the principles. Get the purpose. We had Joseph as a rich young ruler. He had the purposes of God.
He had to go through the dealings of God. Let me read it to you. This is in Genesis. Um 14. Remember, it says, but remember me when it is well with you and please show your kindness to me, make mention of me to Pharaoh, who’s he got on his mind? And get me out of this house.
For indeed, I was stolen. He’s still having a pity party. Um away from the land of the Hebrews and also I have done nothing here that they should put me in the dungeon. So, he’s really got himself on his mind. He’s in a bad place here, amen? Then, it says, yet the Chief Butler didn’t remember him.
Uh remember Joseph and forgot him. Two years later, after the dealings with God, says then it came to pass at the end of two full years, Pharaoh had a dream. If you go over then, I love this scripture. It says, and Pharaoh said to Joseph, I’ve dreamed a dream. There’s noone who can interpret it.
but I’ve heard it said that you can understand a dream to interpret it. Joseph answered and said to Pharaoh, it is not in me. That’s the we all have to come to. Amen. It’s not in me.
This is a God thing. He knew and he become second in charge of the entire it says the rich young ruler in Genesis forty-one thirty-nine to forty says then Pharaoh said in as much as you have shown all this there is noone as discerning and wise as you. You shall be over my house and all the people shall be ruled according to your word. Only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you. Pharaoh said to Joseph, see, I set you over all the land of Egypt.
See, if God can trust you, he can put wealth in your hands. If he knows you’re not just doing it for yourself. Now, in saying that, what is covenant? What does it mean? God’s given us the power to create wealth that we can establish his covenant. Part of his covenant is that you have a home, that you can call home. A home that you own that noone else has got any financial interest.
This is me and my big dreams, amen. That you would have a you can call home. That you would be able to put your children in a school of your choosing. That you would have a job that you love doing under the instruction of the Lord. Cuz it’s no good being a an accountant if you’re meant to be a doctor.
No good being a doctor. If you’re meant to be an accountant. It’s no good going on to uni. If God’s called you to go to Bible College and be a teacher. Or a pastor.
Amen. There’s training we need to do in the fields that God’s calling us to. And we need to find out what that is. So that and use every one of us. You know we have to go through the dealings of God to be able to clarify the purity of what God is wanting to do through his house.
Amen. And the second rich young ruler God just called him a fool. You know he just said to him but God said to him fool this night your soul will be required of you. Why? It tells us in verse twenty-one. So is he who lays up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God.
See part of covenant is looking after yourself and your family and then having enough to give away. That’s what the position that God wants to get each one. There is nothing about poverty or debt or lack that gives glory to God. Not one thing about that gives glory to God. We give glory to God.
When we have the ability to understand, we are blessed and that we can be a blessing. Amen. Um just quickly. My third point was that you develop hardworking ethic. Cuz there is not one promise for a lazy person in scripture.
And Proverbs six six talks about going to the ant. You can read that yourself. Proverbs twenty-four says one day I’ll pass by the field of a lazy man. I noticed the vineyard. The vineyards of a slacker.
I love this version of it. Speaking my language. It says I observe nothing. But thorns, weeds, broken down walls. So I considered their lack of wisdom and I pondered the lessons I could learn.
Then it says professional habits prevent poverty from becoming your permanent business partner. Now nobody wants poverty to be their permanent business partner. Amen. And to put off until tomorrow the work you could do today. And tomorrow never seems to come.
And I want to encourage you that. It says in Proverbs twelve twenty-four the hand of the diligent will rule. But the lazy man will be put to force labour. I’ll stop the fourth point is generosity. And I could preach a message just on generosity.
Because without carrying a generous heart says the generous heart shall be made rich. You know if you could stand to your feet and if I could have Raelene back on the keyboard that would be awesome. I just want to offer to pray for anybody that needs prayer this morning. There is a grace for giving. God not only wants you to have enough.
He wants you to have enough to give away. So he wants to bless you incredibly and then he wants you to have the ability to be able to bless other people. And like I love being able to do that. I loved it last week when they took up an offering for the church that’s burnt down. Straight away at the end of the service.
Greg said to me how much do you did the Lord speak to you? And we had the same amount of money. I thought praise God we’ve got money that we can do that. Amen. That’s the position God wants to put us in. What a worthy cause.
It was the only thing Jesus was ever into was building his church. He said, I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Amen. So, I want to pray a corporate blessing over all of us but if you particularly really need a breakthrough in this area, the care team is going to come out and the pastors and we’re more than happy. Their hands are the same as my hand.
I don’t carry some you know, special anointing that they don’t carry. The anointing comes from God. Amen. It’s him that’s going to do the work in our lives. So if that’s you let me just pray a corporate blessing.
And then we’ll open the altar. Father we just thank you that you’re an incredible God. You so want to bless us more than we could ever dream or imagine. You say that in your word Lord. Father, that we, you know, you can bless us above everything that we can even think, dream, or imagine and father I pray a corporate Blessing and anointing over every person that’s here today.
Father that our hearts would be sold out to the kingdom. That we become good stewards of everything that you place in our hands Lord. In Jesus name. Amen. Now if you’re here today and you’ve never made a commitment to God I want to encourage you this is your day.
Amen. We would love to pray with you. You know if that’s you. If I could have every eye closed. Every head bowed.
Just give me away if that’s you make sure I can see your hand. If you’re in the house today, is there anybody in the house like that? Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Best decision that you’ll ever make. Amen.
I made that as a 23 year old. Best day of my life. What a turning point that was. Okay, let’s open the altar and if you need prayer today, I would love you to come out. There is a grace for giving that God wants to place over our lives.
that we’ll know how to create it for ourself. We’ll know how to give it away. We’ll learn the balance and we’ll be prepared to go through the dealings of God. Amen. So, if that’s you, we just open the altar and invite you to come forward.
Love you Lord my days I’ve been held my head of the goodness of God you have been and all my with every you have led me through the in darkest nights you as a father I have lived you’re so with every breath but your after me faithful can we just thank Pastor Jana for that incredible word this morning. So good. Thank you Janet. So amazing. If you would like to purchase one of Pastor Janet’s books, they are available at the Hello Hub.
So, as we could see, she only got through a couple of the many many points this morning. So, if you would like to read more about that, please go and avail yourself of that. I’m sure you will be blessed. Just a couple of things as we close off our service. We have welcome to Kings.
So, if you are new with us this morning Uh we would love to meet you. So, we have in our cafe, I believe, Pastor Jess is going to be running Welcome to Kings. So, if you would like to know more about our church, if you’d like to be involved in a connect group or get involved in volunteering in the life of church, we would love to meet you in the cafe for a coffee. I’ll also be in there too. Just a reminder during the holidays, our upper room service will be on break.
So, we are returning on the eighth of October. Uh so, and we are kicking off with a great guest speaker, Pastor Noah Falau. So, he’s going to be in our next upper room service on the eighth of October. Also, next Sunday, we have a very special morning. We have a couple of guest speakers across the day.
So, in our 830 service, we have Pastor Darren Heyho who’s going to be leading us in a worship encounter service. He’s from Maryborough at Reach Church. So, that’s going to be awesome and then in our 1030 service, we have Pastor James Hensley from Church Unlimited in Brisbane So, next Sunday is going to be a great time. Make sure you are at one of our services that day and just as we bring our service to a close, I just wanted to let you know if you weren’t already aware that a couple of our members of our church family have actually passed away this week. Uh so, Jan Boyd and Gwen Stuvey went to be with the Lord this week and so we have a memorial service for Gwen which is going to be on Saturday.
So, we we’ll give more details. If you would like to know more about that, please give our reception a call during the week and we’ll have more information for you. Also, if this news has come to a shock and you would like, you know, one of our care team to pray with you or to speak with you during the week. We are more than available and happy to pray with you as well. So, we actually might pray for the families right now.
Is that okay, church? We’re just going to lift up these families. Father, I just thank you Lord for these incredible women that left amazing legacies God. Women that have loved you and loved your house and father, I just thank you Lord that you are the prince of peace and father, I just pray for the comfort of your holy spirit over these families right now as they’re grieving. Father, I thank you that you are our hope and glory and father, I thank you Lord that all of heaven rejoices, God because they have come home and so God, I just thank you, Lord, even this week. Lord, as we are preparing funeral and memorial arrange God.
Lord that it would be a celebration of a life well lived. And Father I just thank you for these families. In Jesus name. In Jesus name. Isn’t it great to be part of a family and a church body? Come on it’s so good.
So I’m going to dismiss the service now. Make sure you go and have your coffee at the cafe. Our sausage sizzle is also happening. We will see you next week. Next week.
Have a great week church. Thank you.