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Healings break out of the building. We had God come and heal our youth. We had salvations and come on, how good is our God? How much greater is our God than anything of this world? Come on, we’re going to praise him. We’re going to declare that. God is greater.

Come on, here we go. Perfect sunrise oceans deep highest mountain you I can do anything with you I can do anything Come on, do we believe that this morning? My lord you are greater Come on, we lift up our praise but Jesus you are Do you believe that this morning smelling I’m going to get you to sing the sound a declaration from your heart this morning. That is the kind of God we serve. No matter what you’re going through, our God is bigger, he is stronger, he is mightier. There is noone that can stack up against our God.

Amen? Okay, let’s warm up. Let’s get ready. Let’s get some faith in the room. Amen? Amen. Are you ready for this morning.

It is so good to see you. I’m the campus pastor here. My name is Sean. Um welcome to Kings Reedy Creek. If this is your first time and one thing we love to do at this church is we love to greet each other.

Um make people feel welcome. So we’re going to take a minute to mingle right now. So turn around, greet someone. You have permission to leave your row. If you feel so led.

And hello to everyone watching online as well. Thank you for joining us today. Okay, feel free to make your way back to your seats. You can always continue those conversations a little bit later if you like over a coffee. That’d be good.

Now, Noah Hanrahan right over there. Can I get you to come up on the stage? At the Dory said to me, hey, Sean, is there anything that I need to do this morning? I was like, no, no, and then I thought, yeah, actually, I’m going to get him to do something. Um why don’t you tell everyone about Wildfire on Friday night? Thanks, Pastor Sean. I may or may not have spilled coffee on my shirt. How good? Um yeah, we had Wildfire on Friday night.

It was it was unreal. We had bit over 200 young people right here in the room and we just an awesome time. Um we we do it once a term where we gather every campus together here. Um and there’s I don’t know. It’s just such a beautiful spirit of unity.

We launched Seekers. Our youth festival. Um so some more info will be coming out in the next few weeks. But speaking to all the parents it’s going to be in September. Second week of school holidays.

It’s going to be unreal. Uh so your young people might be tapping you on the shoulder about that. Uh soon to register. But yeah we just had an awesome time. We saw a lot of people get prayed for.

Some healing some incredible prophetic word but just a real stirring of the fire of God that we would actually be see young people excited and on fire for God, not shy, not intimidated but actually bold in the way that they want to live for Jesus. So, it was awesome. Um thank you. It’s good. Let’s give a hand for Noah and our whole Saints team that do a fantastic job.

They’re incredible. Um so, that happened. Um we love that. So, make sure you sign up for Seekers for your teenager or yourself if you are a teenager we’d love for you to be a part of that. Um but one thing I want to mention is if this is your first time here at Kings Reedy Creek or maybe you’ve been around and sussing it out and you you want to dip your toes in the water a bit more in the life of church.

Um these cards located on the seats around you that say hello. You’re able to fill in your details and put them in the offering bucket as it goes past or at the hello hub after the service or you can use the QR code which is located on the back of the seat. Now what happens when you do that is one of our team, one of our pastors will get in contact with you and we’ll help you find your place in the life of the church. Maybe there’s a connect group you’re interested in. Um maybe there’s some ministry that you want to be a part of.

Maybe you just want to ask a few questions. You can do that by filling in the card. But as well if you are new, we have our Welcome to Kings Course in the Cafe straight after the service. Um Jess is running that. Give a wave, Jess.

She always hates when I make her do that. Yes. If can see her facial expression while she was doing that. It wasn’t good. Uh no, I’m kidding.

Uh anyway, she’s running the course in there and that’s for if you want to learn about King’s Church, if you want to learn about who we are, our vision, our values, our leadership, it’s a great chance for you to ask questions about the church too. So, I’d encourage you. If you are new or have been coming on for a little bit, go to Welcome to Kings in the Cafe. You get a free coffee. Who loves free coffees? I don’t but good for you.

Okay, we’re going to come around the giving right now. Um and when I was thinking about giving I was thinking about my children and how they have no concept of money. Um yesterday we were chatting and you know right now we’re kind of house hunting and looking around. And my kids said to me how much does a house cost dad? And I said oh it costs a lot of money especially on the Gold Coast. It costs a lot of money.

And they were like what? $9, 000? And I was like I wish. I really wish it was $nine, 000. And then they said $8, 000? And I’m like, no, you’re going in the wrong direction. Eventually, I told them what an average house kind of goes for on the Gold Coast and they were just, they could not fathom it. They could not understand it.

And the funny thing is, our kids sometimes will find little loose coins that we’ve left around the house. Maybe we took it out of a pocket before we were putting it in the laundry and we’ll put the coin on top of the washing machine. And so would it be like a cent coin, right? And back in my I’m not that old. I was about to say back in my day, I’m not that old. Some of you can say back in my day with a little bit more authority than I can, right? But when I was younger, 10cents could actually buy you something or five cents could buy you something but when our kids see the coins that are lying around, they come to us and say, oh, I found this coin.

What could I get for it? And they’re just so excited by this meaningless coin that doesn’t really accumulate much by itself. And it just makes me think about giving. How sometimes there is far more value in what we give than we think. That sometimes we think what I have to give isn’t that much. It’s not going to shift anything.

It’s not going to change anything. As I bring the tithe, as I bring my offering, that it’s not really going to change the atmosphere. But maybe we should have childlike faith when we give. That no matter what we’re giving to God, it’s coming from a heart of wanting to honour him and glorify him and lift him up. And that’s where the value is found God doesn’t actually care about the figure really.

He cares about our obedience. He can use it. He can grow it. He can do stuff with it to build the kingdom of God. But he cares mostly about an obedient heart that runs after him every single time.

So how about we pray this morning for the giving? And what God’s going to do. And let’s bless him. Lord God I thank you for this church. And I thank you that as we give the offering as we bring the tithe you are going to cause that thing to grow. You are going to cause that thing to affect and change people’s lives.

That there are people that are going to be added to the kingdom as a result of the obedience and sacrifice of this room Lord. We thank you that there is obedient hearts within this room ready to just honour you and bless you today. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.

Cool. So the buckets are going to go around right now. But as they do that I just want to highlight again we have located at the back in the Hello Hub. Um some booklets around Freedom of Religion. Um so if you don’t know what that is all about there is some legislature it’s kind of getting put through or trying to get put through which is going to impede on our ability to do what we do as a Christian school.

Maybe potentially even what we do as a church sometimes. Where we an prime example of this is for Kings Christian College we hire staff. We hire teachers who adhere to Christian values so that our kids, our families can experience a school where faith is at the forefront. Where it’s an important value. But with this legislature getting potentially pushed through.

It would mean that we are not able to hire people based on that. So if someone comes and they don’t believe in God they don’t care about God. As long as they’ve got the credentials that we should not be able to judge whether they belong as a teacher at the school. I want people in the school teachers who understand faith, who understand the Bible, who are preaching from that as well as educating our children. That is the culture of who we are.

And right now at King’s Christian College we have teaches, incredible teachers. We have some of them here and they do a phenomenal job. So, if you feel passionately about this too, you can grab one of the booklets located at the back and it’s going to encourage you to write to your local NP to encourage them that this is something that we want to see happen. We want to make sure that we are able to protect the culture of what we do here and our values. So, if you feel passionately about it, please grab one of those at the back and follow up at the end of the service.

Does that sound good? Okay, why don’t we stand to our feet? We’re about to enter into a time of worship but I want to do something a little different this morning. Um we’re going to pray But this morning I just really feel like the Holy Spirit has been doing something different here at King’s Church. There’s been a new season we’ve been stepping into. There’s been a new breakthrough here. Where he’s just been moving in incredible ways.

I’ve been hearing more testimonies of the goodness of God. How people have been receiving words that are so accurate and so encouraging to their circumstances. We’ve seen people get healed. We’ve seen people have breakthrough. It’s incredible what’s been going on.

And so this morning in our 10: 30 AM service. Cuz you are the guys who slept a little later. Got yourself you’re you’re a bit more ready to go. The 830 crowd, you know, their their early rises but maybe they needed a little more time to wake up, right? In this place, we’re going to actually through worship, we’re going to open this altar for prayer. So, if you need prayer for something today, if there is a prayer need in your world, if you are believing for healing, if you’re believing for a restoration of something in your world, if you are believing for finance, you’re believing for a house, whatever you’re for.

I’m going to encourage you. We’re going to have this altar open during the service and we actually want to lay hands on you. We want to speak faith into your circumstances. We maybe want to move in the prophetic if we feel there’s a word that God specifically wants to bring to you. Because you know what sometimes when we do the thing where you’re kind of in the crowd and we just lay a hand on you.

Sometimes we just move on from that. But maybe God has something he wants to speak. Are you with me church? Are you with me? But also you know what? It’s not just those who have prayer needs. If you’re hungry this morning for the presence of God. If you just want a touch of his presence this morning.

you’re welcome up here too. Come up to the front and we’re going to pray and believe. And our care team and our pastors are going to stand in faith. Cuz something is happening here. Something is happening in the spirit.

So let’s stand in faith and let’s believe and let’s worship and let’s press into the presence of God this morning. Amen? Oh I feel it from the front. Amen. Amen. Believe he is a wonder working God this morning.

Do we believe that he saves and he heals and he sets free Do we believe that he would make a way where there is no way? Do we believe he is the God who goes before us and ahead of us? Amen? Worship. Let’s declare and if you need prayer, we are going to believe that something significant is going to happen this morning. At 10: 57 AM in this morning, the God is going to do something incredible. Let’s lift up his name. Come on, church.

Know my words for sure I got how could I could sing this song as I often do and every song I I help again when I remember who I can face do what you’ve done face oh Jesus I for a God. We thank you for it lord. You know, I want to encourage us as a church. Let’s lean into the things of God When God has an open door for us, let’s walk through. Let’s run through gladly.

You know, when we have the opportunity to step into the presence of God, let’s step in wholeheartedly because God has something he wants to do. Amen? Amen. You know, even this, this is just a taste of what we experience at the upper room on a Sunday night and we’re actually doing it again tonight, 5PM. Last time we did it, there were healings that took place, there was breakthrough that happened, it was an amazing service. So, if you’re hungering for more of the presence of God, be here at 5 PM.

Anyone who wants to come. It’s going to be in the upper room, the summit room. Yes, summit room. That’s the correct terminology for it. I’m getting it mixed up.

But who’s ready for the word of God? Oh, oh. Who’s ready for the word of God? Yeah? You know, we have some of the best senior pastors you can find on the planet. We’ve got one of them’s here, Pastor Trish. Yes. And one of them is going to be with us on the screen in a moment.

Pastor Ben is starting a new series for our church called First Things First. Um and I really believe it’s key for us and it’s all kind of leading up to our breakthrough offering which is happening in the middle of June and he’s going to talk a little bit more about that. So, why don’t we take a seat and we’re going to watch the screen going to hear the word from our senior pastor Pastor Ben. Hi, church. Thanks so much for joining us today.

We’ve had an incredible time in our church over the last couple of months and so great to see what God is doing. And today, I’m looking forward to starting a new series with you. Part of this series is going to be done on video and part of this series is going to be delivered live in person. Now, we don’t do a lot of video in our church. We only do it when it’s absolutely necessary but I felt because of the nature of the topic because it’s the first time we’re going to conduct a series on this.

I thought it would be really important that I deliver the majority of the series and so, Couple of the messages will be on video. The rest will be delivered live. But just so that we can all be on the same page as a church. Now the principle of dedicating the first to the Lord is all through scripture. In the Old Testament we see a number of examples of when people dedicated the first of something to the Lord.

The Bible talks about first fruits at harvest. Where they take the first of their harvest and they give it unto the Lord. Even some people in order to receive breakthrough actually dedicated their first child to the Lord. A classic example of this is Hannah who was unable to have children. And in order to receive the breakthrough she said to the Lord I will dedicate my son who became the prophet Samuel.

I will dedicate him as the first unto the Lord. All through scripture we’re supposed to give God the first. And that also applies to our finances. God wants to be first in every area of our life. And one of the areas he wants to be first in our life is our finances.

Matthew 633 says this, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Now, I’ve been meditating on that scripture quite a lot lately actually. And the words that really stuck out to me was to seek first the kingdom of God but and his righteousness. And I’ve been thinking what does that actually mean? And with a little bit of study I realised the Hebrew word for righteousness is actually the word sadak which actually means righteous. But interestingly enough, the Hebrew word for generosity is actually sadaka.

And so what that means is this, a righteous person, their life, will naturally manifest with generosity. So when it says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, what that means is, that generosity should be a priority for the life of a Christian. Now, in Matthew chapter six, it’s actually a part of the Sermon on the Mount. So, Matthew chapter five to seven is essentially Jesus talking to all his disciples, all the people following him. In Matthew chapter five, we actually see the beatitudes, the sermon on the mount but there’s lots of other teachings in Matthew chapter five, six, and seven.

Now, we know Matthew chapter six really well because each year, whenever we’ve done the 21 days of breakthrough, we’ve referenced Matthew chapter six. In Matthew chapter six he says, when you give, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your giving may be in secret, and then what you do in secret, God will reward you openly. But it also says, when you fast, that what you do in secret, God rewardly, reward you openly. And also says, when you pray, your father sees what you do in secret, will reward you openly. But interestingly, of those three topics, in Matthew chapter six, the majority of the chapter is talking about the way that we actually handle our finances.

So all of chapter six. He starts off in Matthew chapter six when he says, when you do a charitable deed, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing and then, he says in Matthew chapter six verse thirty-three, continuing on the theme of generosity. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. So, the primary lesson from Matthew chapter six is actually one of generosity. And so today I’m opening up a short series called First Things First.

Where we’re going to look at Matthew chapter six to see what Jesus says around our attitude to finances and also around our attitude to generosity. I also want to announce today that we’re going to do what we do every year which is on June eleven. We’re going to be receiving a breakthrough offering. And this was an offering where we’re believing for people to receive breakthrough in lives and from that offering we will use it to service and honour all of our missions commitments. But I want to begin today a series called first things first and over the next couple of weeks I want to talk about eight facets of generosity that we can find out of Matthew chapter six.

And we’re going to spend today talking about the four first four facets. And next week we’re going to talk about the second four facets. So today we’re going to talk about the four facet facets of generosity as seen in Matthew chapter six. The first facet is found in Matthew chapter six one to four. He says, take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men to be seen by them.

Otherwise, you have no reward from your father in heaven. Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as a hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets. That they may have glory for men. Assuredly, I say to you that they have they have their reward. But where do you do a charitable deed.

Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. That your charitable deed may have been secret. And your father who sees what you do in secret will himself reward you openly. So remember the context of this scripture. Jesus is talking to all the disciples that are following him at the time.

And he says to them when you do a charitable deed. He doesn’t say if you do a charitable deed. He doesn’t say those of you who rich who should do a charitable deed. He’s talking to everybody that is following him. He’s teaching them kingdom principles.

And he is saying to every person when you do a charitable deed. The first facet of generosity is that generosity is expected of the Christian. As Christians, generosity should be a part of our regular Christian life. When we become a disciple of Christ, there’s a number of habits that we do as part of being that disciple. One of those habits is actually go to church.

The Bible says, don’t neglect the gathering of believers. Another habit is that we pray. We pray and we spend time with the Lord. Another habit we do is actually Bible reading. We spend time in God’s word.

But another habit as indicated here is that actually we become a generous person. That God uses us to be a source of supply to others. You know it’s interesting. You’ve heard me told the story about before about Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a short man.

And he was a tax collector and he was reviled among sins Israelite people. And so what he did was he wanted to see Jesus but he didn’t want to draw to himself. And so Jesus was coming through his town and Zacchaeus to get a better vantage point actually went up into the top of a tree. And whilst he was up in the tree Jesus turned to him and he said Zacchaeus I’m coming to your house for tea today. Now that was unbelievable because Zacchaeus was actually a very unpopular person.

But when he did that Jesus was accepting him as he was. Now tax collectors were known for were reviled because they would rip off the people at and they would cause himself to profit by being dishonest with the taxes of the people. And yet when Jesus went to Zacchaeus’s house, Zacchaeus at the end of the time with him was so convicted of his sin, was so grateful for the acceptance from Christ, that he actually said, he actually said to Jesus, I’m going to give away half of what I have to the poor and everyone that I owe money to, I’m going to repay four times and what did Jesus say at that time? Jesus said, well, this day, salvation has come to this us. What is he saying? And how I really know this guy is a Christian because he is manifested in generosity. Generosity is one of the expected habits of the Christian life.

Even Jesus had a treasure. Not to actually enrich himself and we know that his treasure wasn’t the greatest guy Judas. But he had a treasurer whose job was to distribute to the poor. It was an expected pattern, an expected part of the Christian life. And here we see Jesus in Matthew chapter six.

The whole chapter is primarily around the the topic of giving. And he actually the people when you give. It’s an expected part of the Christian life. The second thing about generosity is generosity is a key to breakthrough. We know this verse really well as a church because we reference this verse every year.

Says in Matthew chapter six verses three to four. But when you do a charitable deed do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. That your charitable deed may be in secret. And your father who sees in secret will himself reward you and so what Jesus is saying is this, the private habit of generosity will manifest in a public reward. That’s why you don’t have to do it in public because God sees that private discipline.

He says the same about prayer and fasting as well. The private discipline of prayer. The private discipline of fasting produces a breakthrough and can produce miracles. Now, people easily accept that but Jesus is also saying that generosity is one of the ways that we can access miracles. All through script we see people receive breakthroughs and miracles as a result of their generosity.

In one Kings chapter eighteen, we see the story of Elijah and the widow of Zerephath. And the Bible says that when she gave to Elijah what she had, she actually received a miracle and the barrel of flower did not run out and the jar of oil did not run dry. We also see the woman of Shunum, a lady who was unable to have children. When she used her resource and money to an extension on her house for the prophet Elisha. She received a miracle in response and she was able to actually have children.

King David actually stopped a stopped the plague in order to stop a plague. He actually gave an outstanding offering before the Lord. And as a result of that he actually stopped the plague. King Solomon when he became the wisest most knowledgeable man ever. The Bible says that Solomon had a dream and the Lord came to him in the dream and he said ask me whatever you want and I’ll give it to you.

And he asked for wisdom and knowledge. And instantly overnight he became the wisest, most knowledgeable man that ever lived. But just before that, the day that he actually had received the dream, he actually gave an outstanding offering, offered a thousand burnt offerings to the Lord. An outstanding act of generosity, and as a result of that, he received a miracle and a breakthrough. In Acts chapter ten, we see a Roman by the name of Cornelius.

He was a soldier in regiment and the Bible says that he actually received a breakthrough and a miracle, he received an encounter with an angel and the angel told him why. He says, your prayers and your alms A L M S, your gifts of generosity to the poor, have resulted in me appearing to you. We can see all through scripture that breakthroughs and miracles occur as a result of generosity. That’s why I’m super passionate about receiving a breakthrough offering every year. The reason why we receive that breakthrough offering is because every year, we see people in our church by having that by extending their faith in that way, receive breakthroughs and miracles.

Every year, we’ve had people come to me and say that they receive promotions. Every year, we’ve had people come and say that they receive financial breakthrough. Every year, we’ve seen people come and they’ve said they’ve received breakthrough in property. I remember a couple of years ago and it’s public record because they gave a testimony at church. Great at our church Laz and Louise Herrera who are based at Pimpama.

Couple of years ago gave in the breakthrough offering believing for a breakthrough in property. They felt they were unable to get the kind of house that they wanted in the at that time. And then afterwards they received an incredible miracle. They were able to get a property that they can afford and and at the time they testified that it was beyond their expectation. And they say because of the breakthrough offering they’re actually able to receive that miracle.

I know even for a fact last year during breakthrough offering. I had two separate couples approach me and told me that they received an unexpected windfall of $50, 000 each as a result of that time of breakthrough. There is breakthrough in miracles associated with our giving. When we step out in faith and to give according to what God wants us to give. God uses it to be a blessing to others.

But there’s also a blessing for the giver. That’s why the Bible says in Acts chapter twenty verse thirty-five it’s more less to give than it is to receive. We open up more of the blessings of God by giving than by simply receiving. Receiving is a blessing but it’s more blessed to give. And that is why Jesus actually says that when we give our father who sees what we do in secret will reward us openly.

There’s open public, breakthroughs and rewards as a result of generosity. Now many of you would know the story that I’ve told a number of times about how Trish and I first received our first house. We were just come out of Bible College. We were really short on funds. We were at a conference and at the conference we felt the Lord tell us to sow two thousand 150 in the offering in order to receive a breakthrough in a miracle.

Now, we were really nervous about it but when we did it, cut a long story short. Within 6 months, we had a whole bunch of supernatural supply, a lot of things open up and we were able to build our first house. Now that’s a story I’ve shared ah all around Australia and all around our church. And I remember one time I was actually preaching about that in the town called Gladstone. And as I was preaching there there was a pastoral couple there that were believing for a breakthrough for a house.

And when I was sharing this they actually felt God told them that they were supposed to sow the same amount. So what had happened was that they had been at a conference before that and they felt God told them to give $2 and 150 to believe for a house. And then they heard me testify that. And so I testified about that soon after they did that. And so they felt this is what this is for.

Cut a long story short. He called me. The guy’s name is Anthony. And he called me and said Ben you wouldn’t believe it. We have just had a miracle.

We have had a breakthrough property. In the natural there is no way we would be able to get a property like this. But after we sowed that seed. And when we heard that you had the exact same testimony. We were really believing God for that through and so we are now living in this property we thought we never could afford and we believe it’s all because of the offering that we had sowed.

Generosity is a key to breakthrough. The third thing that I want to talk to you about today. The third facet of giving out of Matthew chapter six is that generosity creates treasure in heaven. Matthew 619 to twenty it says this. Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy.

And where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. So here Jesus is saying remember the context of the scripture At the start in Matthew chapter six he talks about charitable giving. And here in Matthew 619 and twenty he says that we can lay up for ourselves treasure in heaven. So the scripture would indicate that our generosity is one of the ways that we can do that.

But there’s also another passage of scripture in Mark chapter ten verse twenty-one. Is even more specific about this. He says, then, he’s talking about the rich young ruler and it says, then, Jesus, looking at the rich young ruler, loved him and said to him, one thing you lack, go sell whatever you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come, take up the cross and follow me. So, here, Jesus is actually very explicit about how we get treasure in heaven and that is through generosity. Now, you might you might have heard of the old saying you can’t take it with you when you die.

Uh it’s interest you see people that these Egyptian Pharaohs that had pyramids and they created these pyramids to store all their belongings because they wanted to take it with them after they died. But obviously over history there’s been tomb raiders that have come and stolen their belongings because we know you can’t really really take it with you when you die. However the scripture here actually indicates to us that we can actually create treasure in heaven. And what that means is that there are things that we can access there that we do by sowing here. And that the one of the ways we do that is actually through generosity.

The Bible says that every work that we have done will one day be tested by God in heaven. And all the wood and the hay and the stubble will be dissolved. And what will be left is what we can retain in heaven. The scripture here tells us very clearly that we can actually get treasure in heaven as a result of our generosity. That’s why it’s so important for us to be heavenly minded.

Here Jesus is actually indicating to the people around him that they’re worrying about finances and that sort of thing. He says, don’t worry about it. He goes, think of things that are eternal. I know in my own life, there’s been times where I’ve sowed significant money and and there’s been a season where I actually didn’t have I didn’t have all that money that I’d sown and I was worried about it and it’s in those times when I’ve realized, no, no, no, there is treasure in heaven in eternity. Here, things can get destroyed.

Here, things can get stolen but when we give, we can actually access treasure and as a result. That’s one of the facets of giving outlined here in Matthew chapter six. The fourth facet of giving that is outlined here. He says still in Matthew 619 to 20. Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy.

And where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroy. And where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is they’re your heart will be also. The fourth thing that happens about round generosity is generosity.

Plants your heart in the kingdom. Notice this. Jesus says where your treasure is there your heart will be. So what that means is this. Our heart follows our treasure.

Now it’s only natural that if we have a heart for something we would give towards it. Maybe you’re a supporter of a football team and you want to become a member. And so you actually pay for that membership. You have a heart for the Brisbane Broncos or the Gold Coast Titans. And you buy a membership and your treasure follows.

But that’s not actually what this passage of scripture is what this passage of scripture is saying that is our heart actually follows our treasure. Where we put our treasure, our heart follows as well. It’s the concept of vested interest. Those of you that are investors and business people would know that wherever you put your finances, your heart goes towards it. Maybe there were businesses and stocks that you had no interest in until you put your finance there.

And all of a sudden your heart follows it. You take an interest. Why? Cuz our heart follows treasure. God understands this. That is why he wants he wants it to be that we would put our treasure a part of our treasure in kingdom enterprise.

Why? So that our heart will actually follow our treasure. Because much more important than our treasure is our heart. And God knows our heart will follow our treasure. This is common with so many spiritual disciplines. Think about it.

When you pray there’s things that happen. When you pray things can happen. Breakthrough can happen. It’s an act of worship to God. But not only that, our heart draws closer to God when we spend time in prayer.

It’s the same when we spend time reading God’s word. There’s it’s multifaceted. So, when we spend time in God’s word, it’s an act of worship to the lord and we grow by doing it but also we actually our heart draws closer to the lord. It’s the same when we praise and worship God. When we praise and worship God, we’re praising him and we’re honoring God and there’s breakthrough associated with our prayers with our prayers as well but not only that our heart draws closer to God as a result of that spiritual discipline.

According to the scripture, it’s the same with generosity. That yes, there’s breakthrough. Yes, it’s an act of worship. Yes, it’s meeting the needs of others but even more than that, our heart follows our treasure and for God more important than our treasure, is our heart. And so those are the first four reasons.

Uh, the first four facets of generosity as outlined in Matthew chapter six. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. And righteousness the concept is interactive with generosity. And Matthew chapter six, the vast majority of that chapter is talking about generosity. But notice what it says at the end of the at the tail end of that verse.

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. And we’re believing over the course of this season. As we up the breakthrough offering on June eleven. We believe that yes, it’s going to be a blessing on to missionaries. Yes, it’s going to be a blessing to other ministries.

It’s going to advance the gospel but even more than that, I believe that for people in our church, as you give according to how God leads you, I believe there are breakthroughs and miracles that are going to come into pass in your life. Because as you put first things first and seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. All these other things are going to be added unto you. And so what we’re going to do right now is we’re going to show you we’re launching the breakthrough offering on June eleven. Why don’t you keep your eyes on the screen as we show you the projects that we’re supporting.

Matthew chapter six verse thirty-three. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness. And all these things will be given to you as well. This year we are supporting King’s Community Care. 100% hope.

Manna Ministries Surf Life Saving Chaplaincy, Shiloh Church Ministries, Scripture union So church, I’m super excited about the opportunity to support these ministries and I’m also super excited about the potential breakthrough in miracles that are going to come to pass in people’s lives. So this will be launching on June the 11th and then from then on, right through to the middle of July, that offering will be open. Because it’s tax deductible, I realize that there are some people that will want to give at this side of the financial year but others will do it on the next side of the financial year. And so that’s why we’re doing it that way. There’s also an option for it not to be tax deductible and that will really help with some of the ministries where tax deductibility is not eligible.

All we’re asking is that people would pray and seek the Lord about what God would have them to give. We’re not expecting people to give equally across the church. But we just believe that people will give equally sacrificially. And I believe that God will produce breakthroughs and miracle in people’s lives. In a month’s time and I really want to encourage you to be really praying and seeking God for what you can give.

You know when we arrived almost a year ago as a family we came like off the tail end of the breakthrough offering. The breakthrough offering I think happened a few weeks before we arrived. And so we got to see all the videos that they showed each week at church of the testimonies of everyone who had really been impacted by this. Um that some people I remember there was one who was desperate for a rental was looking anywhere she could for a rental. Um and was having no luck.

And suddenly she did the breakthrough offering and that week her name went to the top of the pile and she ended up getting in on this brilliant place. There were stories after stories after stories that came through as a result of this. So I really want to encourage you. We’re not forcing you to give. We’re not tying your hand behind your back.

There’s not going to be someone standing at the door on your way out when you do the breakthrough offerings saying did you do it? We don’t that but what I’d really encourage you to do is seek God and ask him what you should give. You know we heard the story of Ben and Trish of how Pastor Ben and Trish of how they gave their two 150. And apparently it sounded like they didn’t really necessarily want to a part with that at the time. But they were obedient. Because they felt that that was what God was leading them to.

So I want to encourage us that as we go to that let’s consider and pray about what we’re giving. But let’s also consider what we are believing to have breakthrough in. Is there something that we are attaching to that giving? To go, you know what? I’m giving to this and it’s going to go out to all these really great missionary organizations but as well, I’m believing to see this happen in my world as a result of this. Amen? How about we pray together? Lord, I thank you that this church is a generous church. And we love seeing what you’re doing all around the world and I love that as a result of this offering and the obedience and the sacrifice of people that people all over the nation internationally are going to experience your blessing and your favour Lord.

And I pray as well that you would lead us and guide us to what you would have us do. That we wouldn’t be led by our own emotions or our own ideas Lord God. But we would be led by your spirit in what you would have us do as the breakthrough offering comes. And help us God as well. Through our everyday life to be generous.

To put you first at the forefront of everything we do. That you wouldn’t be behind but you would be ahead of us Lord God. And Lord I pray that there’ll be something that drops in the hearts of everyone here. That as we go about our week you would give us opportunity to be generous. You have given us opportunity to put you first.

And we thank you for it in Jesus name. And everyone said amen. Amen. We’re going to bring this service to a close right now. But there’s just a few things I want you to know.

Before we head out to the forecourt and have a free sausage sizzle. Grab a cup feel those things. One is welcome to King’s Course is happening in the cafe after the service. So, if you want to do that, please join Jess there for that. As well, Kings Collective this week is on Tuesday.

Last week, it was Wednesday and it’ll usually be on Wednesdays but this week, it’s a Tuesday because there is a school function happening on the Wednesday. So, if you are in Kings Collective, make sure you’re there Tuesday, 630 or if you’ve never, are you never been a part of it, interested, didn the time to sign up, whatever it is you still can join in on one of the courses. We have Sharing Jesus confidently with Mike and Di Hughes, incredible missionaries, evangelists in our church. Um we have Holy Spirit Come, Ian and Jackie Brasel are leading that up and they’re having a fantastic time there already. And last but not least, we have Alpha Marriage Course with Pastor Greg and Janet Shear as well.

So, if any of those you’re interested in, you can just join in on those this Wednesday, 630. And the very last thing which I remind us is tonight 5 PM the Upper Room is on. So make sure you’re there. It’s going to be a fantastic service. But why don’t you have a great Sunday? We will see you next week in our 10: 30 AM service.

Head out to the forecourt. Have a coffee. Have a drink. Have a sausage sizzle. And we’ll see you then.

Thanks everyone.

Ps Ben Naitoko

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