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3 Things We Need To Know

By December 17, 2023December 18th, 2023No Comments

I’m really looking forward to sharing ah the word of God with you today. Before I do ah I just want to reiterate what Scotty was talking about. Which is our lift conference that is coming up in February. And I’m super excited about it. And so it’s the first time we’ve done a conference like this.

Ah we do in August. We do it every year. It’s called Hot August Nights. And basically what we do is with that one we go around to each location. And we basically have like a Holy Ghost SmackDown.

You know at every location which is awesome. And so that’s where we go out to each one. This is different. Uh this is basically where we all come into the one place. And there’s something powerful about doing that.

Ah you know in the Old Testament the Israelites would go to Jerusalem a couple of times a year. And it was very important that they would come together and worship God together. And so that’s what we’re going to do with this one we’re all going to meet at Jerusalem Reedy Creek and and it’s going to be in February. I got great friends of mine coming to preach. Pastor Richard and Helen Quebecian from Melbourne are going to be preaching.

They’re going to be amazing and I’m just so looking forward to it and and very often to whenever we do something new and you guys have been with us long enough now to know that we’ve God says to do something then we do it and we kind of figure it out later. Um but I really thought God speak to me about lift. Uh Zachariah fourteen seventeen and it says and it shall be that whichever the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the king, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain. Now that’s kind of pretty negative. But basically what it means is this.

That he was promising them that if they came together and met in Jerusalem and worshipped he’s going to send rain. Yeah. And I felt God speak to me about lift conference next year in February. It’s just going to be 36 hours. It’s not going to be long.

But as we come together representation from every location coming together here at Reedy Creek and we worship the King. He’s going to water our whole year. He is going to send rain and he’s going to rain on the whole year. Who wants a well 20twenty-four. Uh who wants a rain to fall on him in 20 twenty-four? I believe as we do it that out of obedience then that is what’s going to happen.

So I encourage you to register. Uh it’ll be absolutely amazing. Um Ephesians chapter one verses fifteen to 2-2. Um and before I share that actually so Who here is friends of Marvel? The Marvel Cinematic Universe. I know some of you are pretending you don’t go to movies or I I know you do.

Um and the Marvel Cinematic Universe you know like the Avengers and that sort of thing. Uh I remember going to the cinemas and watching one of those movies. Uh and then I noticed at the end when the credits were rolling that’s when you normally leave the cinema right? No one moves at a Marvel movie. They stay there. And they go watch through all the credits.

And they go what are these people doing? And then at the end there’s a scene at the end. It’s trained at the end. It’s called the post-credit scene. So like the movie’s done but everyone knows there’s another scene right at the end. You know.

Reason why I say that is because today I’m kind of doing that. A post-credit sermon. Alright and and so what that means is you’ve done this series on spiritual warfare. I get it. It’s finished.

It’s done. Uh but I’m just coming in today. Uh to do one more ride at the tail end alright. Little tasty one at the end. So with that in mind want to read Ephesians chapter one verses fifteen and 22.

Says this. Therefore also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. Do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling.

What are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints? And what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe? According to the working of his mighty power, which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places. Far above all principality and power and might and dominion. And every name that is named. Not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And he put all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the church which is his body.

The fullness of him. Who fills all in all. Now I’m going to read from Ephesians chapter six verses ten to twelve. Says finally my brethren be strong in the Lord in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we do not flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Let’s pray. Father, I thank you for your word. I ask and pray that today, you will do what the apostle Paul prayed. That you would enlighten our eyes.

That you will open our eyes to see what’s available. I thank you and I praise you for that lord. In Jesus name, amen. Uh the letter of Ephesians is what’s called a call to alms letter that was written by the apostle Paul. So, what that means is back in those days when the Romans were going to invade another country they would send a letter out to all their territories and to all their towns warning them and telling them that we’re about to go to war.

It’s called unquote arms letter. And it always had the same format. Ephesians is written in the same format format as one of those Roman called Armsline. That’s why it says in Ephesians chapter six he says finally my brethren be strong in the Lord in the power of his might. Put on the full armour of God that you might be able to stand against the walls of the devil.

Ephesians chapter six is the end of the letter. So basically he’s we are getting ready to go to war. We are getting ready to advance. That’s God’s desire for his kingdom. That’s God that’s God’s desire for you.

God’s desire for his kingdom and God’s desire for you is that you would be advancing territory taker for Christ. God has not called us to sit in a corner being all incipident, all weak and waiting for Jesus to return. He’s called us to advance and he’s called us to move forward. God has called us to this place to keep advancing the kingdom of God. And so in order to do that, we need every element that is in Ephesians.

Everything he talks about in Ephesians is necessary to live a territory-taking life and so, if you look at the second half of Ephesians, he actually talks about behavior. So, the reality is this, actually, Christianity does manifest in behavior. We actually do have to have a changed life. Yeah. But he starts off with the first three chapters of Ephesians talking about things like identity, talking about things about belief and in fact, most of it is trying to get us to see who we really are in Christ.

So what that tells me is this, if you don’t know who you are in Christ, then you can’t be the territory taker he’s called you to be. I’ve met a lot of Christians who think God is awesome but don’t think much about themselves. That is insufficient to be a territory-taking Christian. Yes, we need to think God is awesome. Yes, we need to give him all the glory but we also have to understand who we are in Christ as well and here in Ephesians chapter one, right at the start, He says, I pray that your eyes will be enlightened.

Right. So, what is he saying? He’s saying, there are some things you’re not seeing that you need to see. There are some things you’re good people he says to them. I’ve heard about your faith. You’re good Christian people but there’s some other things I want you to see and so clearly, what that means is this, we need to see what he says we should see in order to be the territory takers who’s called us to be.

And so, I want to to you today about three things that we need to know or see. Three revelations that we need to have that the apostle Paul says that we need to have. If we’re going to be the advancing territory taking Christians he’s called us to be. The first one is found in verse eighteen of Ephesians chapter one. He says that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened.

So once again that your eyes are open. That you may know what is the hope of his calling. I first thing that we need to know get a revelation of is the hope of his calling. What does that mean? Well first first thing it means is this. It means we need to be people full of hope.

Now he’s writing to people, the Ephesians, who are in, they are actually quite a persecuted people. And he is telling them that we need to be people who are full of hope. What does that tell me? It tells me our hope is not dependent upon circumstances. Right. That we can have hope in spite of our circumstances.

Why? Because our hope is not in things. Our hope is not in people. Every single one of us at some point in our here. I’ve had our hopes dashed. We’ve all had something we were hoping for that didn’t come to pass.

Bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick. Lot of Christians get heart sick because they get their hopes up about something and that thing didn’t come to pass. But the thing is this, the key is not to have your hope in things. The key is to have your hope in him. And if you have your hope in him and his calling, so what that means is this, understand that he has a plan and purpose for your life.

Even when things don’t always work out the way that you wanted, even when you take some turns that you didn’t expect. The reality is that he’s still got a plan and purpose for our life and he can work all those things together for good. You know, I was talking this year I I ran my first conference as the state leader of our movement and it was held on the Sunshine Coast and you know, that sort of thing, man. I didn’t realize how busy you get that day, that whole week. So, there’s all these different groups.

It’s like a political convention really and there’s all these different groups that meet outside of the main meeting and as a president to go and say hi. And there was one group I was really intimidating and going to see. Uh and they’re called the Emeritus Pastors. So they’re all the retired pastors. Now let me tell you something about retired pastors right? Every retired pastor thinks they know better than you.

Right? Let’s just start. And the second thing is when they get to a certain age they don’t hold it in. Right? And so they tell you. Uh it’s so I’m going I walk in. The leader of the Emeritus Group is a lady named Wendy.

She said Pastor Ben could you come and talk to Meredith’s pastors? You know State Executive don’t normally come and talk. I said there’s a reason for that. Uh but anyways I said, oh come. It was like 150 retired pastors all there and and then she said, she goes, Pastor Ben, would you come up and say a few words? I wasn’t planning on that. So, anyway, I I got up to say something.

As I did, one of the retired pastors, I I was I was about to speak and I noticed someone just standing right there and and there was a retired pastor there with his iPhone. Uh like literally that far away videoing me and and that sort of thing and and and on the way up there, the lord gave scripture. It was Ecclesiastes chapter nine. And it says Good News Bible Translation. it says, it’s better to be a live dog than a dead lion.

So, I say, I got a word for all of you. The word is this, it’s better to be a live dog than a dead lion. Some of you feel like a dog. Yeah, and they were just waving like this like you guys now and and I said, but you’re still alive and if you’re still alive, God’s got still got more for you. Amen? Some of you in this place, amen.

Oh, I feel like a dog. Well, the good thing is you’re still alive and you can still have hope because if you’re here, God’s got things still for your future. We can still have hope in spite of our disappointments. Yes. Everyone of us have had aspirations on things and it didn’t work out the way that we thought.

But God can work those things together for good. I’ve got a confession to make. I think I’ve made it here before but I like country and western music. And which is a big thing to say when you’re Polynesian right? Um and so actually I went and I I was in a car with ah you know Noah Falau. He was our campus pastor here for many years and the only time I’ve seen him really angry.

Ah was the time he went on this road trip with me. And you know it’s my my music, right? And and so I was playing country and western music and you know, he’s Hud Tongan man like myself and he was, I could see him fuming and he just said and he said some horrible things to me. Um you know, he said things like, how dare you call yourself a Tongan and you’re listening to this and and all that sort of stuff. So, anyway, but anyway, yeah, I like Country and Western Music and so, you may have heard of a guy named Gareth Brooks and Gareth Brooks had a song many years ago. It’s called Thank the for unanswered prayers.

And basically what it was was it’s a song about when he was at high school and he was in love with a girl. And he used to pray every night. Lord I pray that you know you let me marry her. I pray that she’d be my wife if you let me marry her be my wife. I’ll serve you all my days.

Lord I pray and and then obviously end up ending marrying her and left high school and went about and did whatever and 20 years later she went back to a high school reunion. And went there with his wife, saw this girl that he was in love with 20 years before. Looked at her, looked at his wife. And it’s the name of the song. Thank the Lord.

For unanswered prayers. I got a word for someone here. When God says no, it’s because he’s got a better yes. Yeah. Just because it didn’t work out and you had your hopes up and it didn’t work out the way you thought and you got disappointed and right now, you’re saying, well, you know, Ben, stop talking about this.

Stop helping, you know, I don’t want to get my hopes up. I’m so disappointed. I’m here to provoke you again and say, for 20twenty-four, it’s time to get your hopes up. Why? Cuz our hope is not upon our circumstances. Our hope is not upon things.

Our hope is not upon people. Our hope is upon his calling. Amen. Do right, mate. Our hope is in him.

Feeling a bit loose today. Praise God. It’s holidays. Second thing we’re going to have hope for is this. He says, and also one of the in Ephesians chapter 1 eighteen, second part.

What are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints? His inheritance in the saints. He wants us to get a revelation of his inheritance in the saints. When you a Christian, You get adopted into God’s family. Which is awesome. Okay.

Adoption is different from being fostered. When you’re fostered you have a provided for and given shelter. But you don’t quite have the same rights as a natural born child. When you become adopted into someone’s family you have all the rights. Of a natural born child.

And so we as believers have been adopted into his family. Now adoption occasionally hear about a negative connotation of adoption and that sort of thing. But it’s an incredibly positive thing. I had a friend who was a and he knew from an early age and and I was talking to him once and I said, hey, you were adopted. He goes, yeah.

I said, how was that for you? He goes, oh, it’s awesome. I said, why is that? He goes, well, my parents chose me. So, yours had to have you. We’ve been adopting in his family. He’s charging us.

He watered us. We’re not like the leftovers. Sometimes, people think, oh, you know, he died for the world. He didn’t really want me but he wanted Billy Graham, he wanted Reinhard Bonnke and I’m just kind of just thrown in as part of the package. You know, I’m like the stocking filler.

You know, it gives it this time of year. Um there’s Christmas stockings and that sort of thing. I learnt from a young age that Kristin, whatever you’re getting your Christmas stocking, there’s different levels of value, okay? Um there’s always a really expensive thing in there and there’s some things stocking fillers. Now, I love any kind of presents. So, I love and you know and it is my birthday on the 26th of December.

Just let you know that. That’s completely different from what I’m saying here. But I love presents. And I learnt something different when I married my wife Trish. She had a different attitude to presidents than I did.

So if she didn’t like something A she’d let you know it. Um and she wouldn’t use it. You know and so I didn’t understand this. Ah and so in our first year of dating I was at Bible College. Ah and it was her must have been her birthday coming up.

Ah and so I really wanted to bless her. Now I’m a poor Bible College student right? So I went all out. I I I spent like 1 50 which is now worth about you know in today’s money. Like six grand. You know.

$150 on presents. And I did what I would like to get. You know. Big bag. Throw this in.

This in. This in. One expensive thing and the rest you know knickknacky kind of stuff. Anyway I give her the present. A slave for this.

Sacrifice for it. She she looks at it. Picks up the first thing. I am. Picks up a second.

Then she picks up. Oh that’s nice. That was the Coco Chanel perfume. You know what I’m saying? That was like 100 bucks. And that was the thing that she the rest was like stocking filler.

You know what I mean? People sit here and think you’re the stocking filler. You think I I you know he died for the whole world. I’m just part of the package. No. No.

No. You’re part of the main deal. He loves you You are his child. The Bible says you’re the apple of his eye. The Bible tells us in Zephaniah chapter three verse seventeen.

The Lord your God in the midst the mighty one will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you. We’re singing.

We sing over him. He sings over us. Now the interesting thing is that when you become a child of God you’re eligible for a concept called inheritance. And so ah if you look at the book of Psal ah Psalm thirty-seven five times it says if we do something we’ll inherit the earth. And so an inheritance is an added blessing for every single one of us.

And that’s what happens in life. In life God can just pour out blessings that you didn’t deserve. That you didn’t earn. Because you’re a child of God. Okay.

But this passage of scripture Ephesians chapter one verse eighteen is not saying we have an inheritance. It’s saying we are his inheritance. That’s how much he loves you. You’re like the main game. He loves you that much.

and some people say, oh well, you know, I’m a servant of the lord. Yeah, yeah. We serve the lord because we go about the father’s business. But he’s our dad. Yeah.

And he loves us. You know, they love the story of the prodigal son in Luke chapter fifteen. The Bible tells us the prodigal son decides to come back to his father and because he’d wasted his inheritance and because he dishonored his father, he said, he was planning on saying I’m not worthy to be called your son. I’ll just be a servant. What happened? He walked back to his father.

His father saw him from afar off. And embraced him straight away and restored all relationship. Why? Cuz God hasn’t called us to be servants friends. He’s called us to be sons and daughters of the most high God. It’s from that position that we serve.

We don’t serve to get approval. We serve because we have approval. And he is our almighty father. Amen. And some of us need to see ourselves as more than the snake kni as more than the stocking filler.

We need to see ourselves as sons and daughters. Of the most high God. Amen? Amen. And he says I pray that you get a revelation of this. Yes.

It’s interesting in Ephesians chapter three verse twenty. Says now unto him who’s able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you can ask or imagine. According to the power that works in us. What a famous verse. But in the verses before it, he says, I pray that you get a revelation of God’s love.

Now unto him who’s able to do exceedingly, abundantly. He’s able to move powerfully when you get a revelation of his love. When you understand how much he loves you, then you’re going to see the paragon move like never before and his prayer is this, I pray that you would get a revelation of how valuable you are in his sight. Amen? We are his inheritance. And the third one is this, says in verse nineteen and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe.

According to the working of his mighty power. So saying I pray that you get a revelation of his power. Which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead. Set him as right hand in the heavenly places. Far above all principality and power and might and dominion.

Every name that is named. Not only in this age but also in the age which is to come. So He’s writing to the Ephesians. Ephesus is the home of this massive cult at the time, Artemis worship. The Goddess Artemis.

And her temple was in Ephesus. So you can and people from all around the world would go and worship this idol. You can imagine being in the shadow of that. You can imagine how intimidating it would be to be in the church in Ephesus when the dominant force around you is the false worship of this idol. Now, what people would is that they would go to worship this idol and they’re going to try and extract power from this idol.

So what they would do is they’d journey there, cost some money I guess then they would pay a tax when they got to the temple and then a temple priest would usher them in. Ah and I would assume if people from all around the world are coming there’s probably lines. You know like Disneyland something like that. And so then they come in and then around the base of the skirt of the idle Artemis were four words. And those words had to be pronounced correctly in order to draw power.

The phrase is called the aphesia grammata, okay? And so, they have to say and the and the temple priest would show them how they have to say the words right. If they don’t say the words right, they’re not going to get the power. If they say the words right, then they’re going to get the power. Now, there is a lot of contention historically about what those words mean. Right now, I think there’s only two people in the world doing a doctoral thesis trying to determine what those words mean but as time goes by, it’s becoming more and more evident.

That those four words were in our language. Principality power, might, and dominion. And he says to them that the power we have is far above. Right. All principality, power, might, and dominion.

He’s speaking right of their situation. And he’s saying all these people coming to your town to get power. You’ve already got the power. And you and it’s far greater than this power that people are coming for. And you know what? You don’t even have to say the right thing.

You don’t have to wait in line. You don’t have to pay for it. You don’t have to be the right kind of person. Because it’s the power is available to all those who believe, understand, their mindset would have been, if I’m going to get power, I’m going to do everything right, and I gotta do this, this, and this, and he’s saying, forget all that through Christ, you have access to the power. Turn the person next to you and say, I got the power.

I got the power. Amen. I’m showing my aids today. Amen. And so he is saying, so what we gotta understand is this, power doesn’t flow from behavior or saying the right thing.

Right. How a flows from relationship. He gets to behavior in Ephesians chapter four but this is Ephesians chapter one. And he is saying you’ve already got the power. Our power flows from relationship.

May have heard the story of the seven sons of Skiva. And these are men went to try and cast a demon out of a man. And as they were trying to cast a demon out of a man they said in the name of Jesus who Paul preaches come out. And the man with a demon in him said well Jesus I know. Paul I know.

Who are you? And he went and he beat all of them up. Why? Cuz they didn’t understand the power doesn’t flow from saying the right thing. Or being able to recite the right thing. Power flows from a relationship with God. And you have a with God through Jesus Christ.

And that is why he is saying to these people I pray that you would get a revelation of these things. You’re good people. You’re already Christians. You’ve already got faith. But there’s three things I’m not saying.

And the three things he wasn’t saying was the hope. You know hope is so important for us as believers. The difference between hope and faith is this. Faith is an action. Faith without works is dead.

The Bible tells us in Hebrews chapter eleven that Pharaohs of the faith were commended for their actions. By faith they did this. By faith they did that. But hope is an attitude. Yes.

And hope is an anchor for the soul. So those of you that are fishermen understand that if you find a good fishing spot you drop anchor. Why do you drop anchor? Cuz you’re not moving from this position. Hope is an anchor for the soul. We don’t leave that position.

I don’t really care what Sky News says. I don’t care what your friend says on Facebook. I’m here to let you know I’m not moving from this position of hope. Everyone for our 200 years has been saying that we’re all going to hell in a handbasket and we’re still here and God still called us here to be here and to take territory and move forward and God still has good things for us. Why? Cuz hope is an anger for the soul.

Yes. And he’s saying to these people who do you faith? Now, I’m praying to God hope. There’s just some things you know. Understand that you are an inheritance. Understand how valuable you are.

And understand the power that’s available. That issue you’re facing or the powers available. The thing you’re dealing with, all the power is available to you. Why? Not because you do everything right. But because of our relationship with Jesus Christ, amen.

And so some of you are like, man, you know, I just came here for a holiday service. And you’re like, man, I’ve just got through this year I’m on holidays. I don’t want to think about next year but I want to encourage you. My prayer for you is this, over the course of this season, some of you going on holidays, that’s great. If you’re here next week, fantastic.

Christmas Day service going to be here. It’s going to be awesome. Great day to invite people that don’t know Christ. They’ll come to church on Sunday. I’ll be preaching.

I promise you, we won’t embarrass you, okay? Come and bring em along on that day. They’ll love it. But some you gone away and I want to encourage you that when you come back, my prayer for you is you’ll come back refreshed, eyes open, enlightened, confident, ready to be. The territory taker he’s called you to be. Amen.

Some of you are going to dust off twenty twenty-three. Shake the dust from your feet. It’s time to move on. Some of you like me and I just made it through. I’ve just survived.

I feel like a dog. The word of lord to you is this. It’s better be a live dog than a dead lion. You’re still here. God can still do things of your life.

Amen? And my prayer is that you’ll come in and your eyes will be open. Some of you might be here saying, well, Ben, I just, oh man, I I know you’re right. I saw it in the scripture there. I’m just not saying it. How can I see it? Well, we can do what the apostle Paul does.

He prayed. He prayed that your eyes would be enlightened. He prayed that you’ll now be able to see. Apostle Paul understands that sort of stuff. Now, the Bible says that when he first got converted, he’s on the road to Damascus, an encounter with Jesus and he was blind.

And then a man named Ananias came to him, prayed for him, and the scales fell from his eyes. Now we could see. That’s why Paul talks about seeing a lot. Cuz he was once blind. Now he sees.

But it’s not just for salvation, it’s for this as well. And so maybe you’re here today. Been through a rough time. Had some disappointment. Just starting to get your hopes up but getting a little bit afraid, getting intimidated.

Wanna pray for you. And pray that you’ve been filled with confidence. Through the territory taken has brought to you by. So if you’re like that and you’re saying Ben I I know it but I don’t know it. I know I’m supposed to know it.

But I don’t really have that confidence on the inside. We’re going to pray. That God will open your eyes where you are. So right now just your eyes for a moment And if you’re here and you’re saying, Ben, that’s me. I’m I know I need to know but I don’t really know.

I want my eyes opened. I’ve been through some things and it’s colored my vision. I want my eyes to be clear again. Some of you are like that man that got prayed for by Jesus and he didn’t get full vision back. He said, I can see people like trees walking but he didn’t have full vision back.

Some of you have got partial vision right now but the full thing, God’s going to give you a full vision. So, if that’s and you’re saying that’s me. I I need a revelation of this. I don’t see any hope around me. The Bible says in Psalms, lift your eyes to the hills.

Where does my hope come from? Comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. Maybe everything around you looks bad. You can still lift your eyes and you can still sing. So if that’s you right now, Saint Ben. I’m not seeing clearly and I want to.

You’ve got faith. But you know that you don’t see him clearly. That you just rightly are. Slip up your hand and say that’s me. And I want to pray for you.

Hands everywhere. It’s a new day. New season. We’re washing off 2023. Stepping into 20twenty-four.

Father in the name of Jesus, I pray for all these people with their hands raised and I ask and pray lord God that you would help them to see. Lord, they’ve experienced some disappointment. They’ve experienced some delay. They’ve experienced some fear and some situations where they feel powerless but I pray lord, help them to see themselves and help them to see these things lord God clearly. Help them to see the hope of your calling.

Help them to see that they are your inheritance. Help them to see lord God the incomparably great power that’s available to them and I pray lord may they walk in the 20twenty-four full of a confidence lord God. Ready to be the territory takers you’ve called them to be. I thank you for that father. I praise you for that lord God.

I thank you lord God that for some it’s new vision coming. I thank you for others. It’s a restoration and a greater clarity of a current vision that has been had things splatter all over it. I thank you for that father and I praise you for that lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Amen. Church, would you stand in your feet? I want to sing this song. Goodness to God. I love it. Hear me say it many times.

Psalm twenty-three. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me. God’s got good things coming. You can’t see it. Yeah.

He’s going to run you down and overtake you with blessing. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not coming. And as we declare this today, you will see the of the lord in the land of the living. Let’s worship him in this place. He’s an awesome God.

Or your my days from the moment that I until I lay and all my with every and God been so been faithful and all my life you have been The goodness of God. Well, we just want to thank God for his goodness and giving us Pastor Ben who brings brilliant messages. Thank you. That was awesome. I said to the first service, that was a very hip message.

H for hope. I for inheritance and P for power. Isn’t it wonderful to know that hope is the anchor of the soul. As we endeavor through our next week, coming close to Christmas, we pray that you understand how special you are to God. That your inheri says that he loves you and he cares for you and that you have all the power you need to navigate through every relationship over Christmas.

Amen. So we pray. because some are going into enemy territory, you realize that. We have to go with the power of God everywhere we go over the next week. So, just reiterating.

Stop it. God is so good. He’s going to give us all the grace we need. Amen. For everything that we’re doing.

So, we just want to encourage you next Sunday, we for Christmas Eve and that is in the morning, not Christmas Eve as in the evening, 830 and 10: 30 AM services as normal. On Christmas Day, we have a 9 o’clock til 10 o’clock service following that morning service on Christmas day. Pastor Greg and I already had a big celebration with our very large family. So we’re all done and dusted. We’ve got no more shopping Scott to do.

But we would love to invite you to come and have lunch with us right here in the cafe. We don’t want anybody to be alone for Christmas dinner. Amen? The only thing we require, there is no cost but we do need you to put your name down at the Hello Hub because we don’t want to have to stretch our faith to pray for loaves and fishes. Amen. So we need you to put your name down.

If you’d like to come and have lunch with us, we would love you come. Let’s just pray. Father, we just thank you that you love us so much. We pray we have an awesome week. Thank you for the revelation that we continue to walk and grow and understand how much you love us.

Let everybody be blessed lord. Amen. Amen. Have a great week. Have a cool week.

Ps Ben Naitoko

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